My name is Tim Wood and I’m a just a regular guy. I don’t come from a privileged family and I don’t have political connections. With a young family and a limited budget I probably shouldn’t run for City Council, but I care too much to stand on the sidelines. I’m used to getting my hands dirty in trying to make things better. At age 19, I put my college studies on hold to serve a church mission trip in the Dominican Republic. That experience changed me.  I came back fluent in Spanish and passionate about helping others. After I finished my degrees at LSU I started my career as a financial counselor helping people get their budget in order and get out of debt. My first experience as a Stafford resident was in 2012 when I was a single guy living in the apartments on Fountain Lake. After having lived in Baton Rouge and Houston, living in Stafford was like a breath of fresh air.  It was reminiscent of my growing up in Natchitoches, LA, a small city about the same size as Stafford. In 2013 I decided to shift my focus to the youth, becoming a teacher and later a tennis coach. I was blessed that Stafford saw my passion and my heart and took a chance on me as a new Middle School Spanish Teacher over 9 years ago. In 2015 I married the love of my life, Brisa, and shortly after the birth of our first child, when it was time to buy a home, we chose Stafford as the community in which we wanted to raise our family and pursue our goals. Now I’m a homeowner in Stafford Run and I see the challenges that folks like me and my neighbors face. Over the course of these 9 years I’ve had the privilege of teaching and coaching over a 1000 Stafford youth: your children and your grandchildren and I wouldn’t trade those experiences and what we’ve learned from each other for anything else.

I’ve coached players that never won a match and players that won a state championship and I’ve come to realize that the life lessons learned in sports and the sense of belonging it provides is what is most important. Now I’m the proud parent of children in SMSD so I bring a unique perspective on education and the challenges that the younger generation in our city face. I’m not doing this as an extra source of income, or because I think so highly of myself that I think I’m the only person for the job, I’m doing this because I’m committed to the place where I live, work, shop, and raise a family. I’m doing this because I want to make sure that our municipal government is serving all the citizens not just those who are well-connected or well-known. I am committed to transparency and integrity. I want to earn your support and I am eager to listen to you about your hopes and concerns for our beautiful and diverse community.

My name is Tim Wood and I’m running for Stafford City Council Position 6. The election is May 6th 2023 and I hope to earn your vote! Feel free to text or email me to request a yard sign, to volunteer, or with any questions you may have.